Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Tuesday, 7/26

Today the construction crew went off to work on the house and the medical team went to set up our third clinic in whatever the name of that was that starts with S (That would be Seleus). The clinic was set up in the community center the extra space was great to have, and this time we had three "Doc stations" the third being Val and Ken, which really helped with the flow of helping people today. By the time lunch break rolled around we had seen almost 150 people a new record of people to see before lunch, afterwards maybe 20 more people showed up. We saw the usual wide variety of people come through today from the aches and pains to abdominal surgery gone horribly wrong. Finishing early meant we had a couple hours to rest before dinner which was I think much needed, and everyone enjoyed having. All in all we've had a good day and ready for another one tomorrow. From Alison

Val here...what Alison didn't mention was she did her own triage station so we could have two people triaging to keep up with the three "Doc stations." Good job, Alison!

On the construction side of things, the crew continues to make excellent progress on the duplex out in Laslea. Along the way there are a few stories to tell as told to me (Val) over dinner or around the coffee table in the evening.

On Saturday, "the boys," that would be Cowboy John, Aaron and Aaron, found full suspension mountain bikes out at Laslea. There was a wedding happening on the main street of Laslea. "The boys" decided to take a bike tour of Laslea. In the process of riding on every street, they rode through the wedding festivities...with Cowboy John on a hot pink bike wearing his cowboy hat but no shirt. Sadly, no cameras were handy to get a photo or video. I am certain that will be one of the memories that poor bride and her mother have of the wedding.

Monday, the crew spent the day again working on the duplex but David McGuire spent the day with them. Apparently at one point in the day, David got thirsty so he took a small swig of what he thought was lemon lime soda out of a lemon lime soda 2L bottle. He found out in seconds that it was actually not soda, it was gasoline! Say it isn't so! Thankfully, what could have been a very bad situation turned out well. Good thing there is a doctor in the house! He did become the object of some pretty sad jokes. I am certain he was feeling the love yesterday!

Today, the construction crew needed some dry wall and screws. The local building supply was willing to deliver these items to the construction site in Laslea. While at the building supply store, Brad had a stare down with a man driving a horse pulled cart. Apparently the driver of the cart wanted Brad to move his car so he could drive on down the road unimpeded. Brad refused to move so he and the driver had a stare down. (See below)

After returning to the building site, the building supply store delivered all the dry wall but no dry wall screws. A little later, here comes the delivery from the building supply of the dry wall screws - in a front loader. One smallish sized box of screws in the large scooper! No one got that one on a pictures...that one would have been a doozy!


  1. A stare-down?? How funny ... I hope that man saw the eyes of Jesus lookin' back at him ... :)

    You're amazing, Brad. I hope you feel God working through you cuz I'm sure he is! Blessings to you and the team.

    All the best,

  2. Looks to me like some street dragging with Brad suggesting he drive in reverse...my money would be on Brad!

    The Elder Team missed you last night and prayed for you, your team and the work of God to prevail.

    See you soon,
